Custom Website Design SERVICES.



A custom website design takes three core elements into consideration for getting the response you expect from your visitors. These three primary signposts for a quality website build are Usability, Searchability, and Relevance.

Conversion-MOXY-Custom-Website-DesignThe value of having a professional company design and build your new website is that we understand these three elements of a successful website that works to get you quality customers.

Website UseabilityUsability: Can a visitor easily navigate the website? A website has to be easy to use on every device, mobile, tablet, or desktop computer. If your visitors get frustrated trying to figure out how to get the information they’re looking for in a reasonable amount of time, they will go to a competitor website and likely conduct business with someone else.

SearchabilitySearchability: Can your visitors get to your site quickly and easily? SEO aka Search Engine Optimization is essential for getting potential customers to your website and eventually into your business. Did you know that SEO starts with how the website is built? 
Using the correct HTML coding, in the correct order, influences how Google will list your website. A company that builds websites professionally understand the most effective way to code a website for Google Search results. 

RelevanceRelevance: Have you heard the phrase “Content is king”? Maybe not, but it’s a custom website design canon. If the words and images on your website effectively engage and inform your visitors on not only what you do, but more importantly… what they need they will reach out to learn more and that’s when you secure a new warm lead looking for your business to solve their problems.

94% percent of negative website feedback was design related.

Your website is what potential customers judge to determine whether they want to buy something from you. A badly designed website, then, could see you losing out on customers, and, in some circumstances, could even be a big factor behind why businesses fail.

47% of people expect a web page to load in two seconds or less.

There’s more to a good website than design. Prettiness is one thing, yes, but you need to consider your user experience, conversions and how fast your website is.

90% of people use multiple screens sequentially.

Understanding that a website needs to exceed the expectations of a visitor no matter what the device is. Not only for segregated mobile, tablet, or desktop users but because most people use multiple digital devices throughout their experience.


UI/UX stands for “User Interface/User Experience”. There is a strong distinction between a web designer and a UI/UX designer. There’s a psychology to design to be considered.


Measure twice… cut once.

Understanding the experience you expect from a visitor, and tailoring your design to that experience is the difference between “good” design and “bad” design. Think about the expectations of your visitor. Remember, this is not a website built for you… it’s for your ideal audience to appreciate. Consider what does your ideal visitor like or dislike? What pain or problem are they facing that brought them to you to solve?  Leveraging quality analytics related to your site traffic can help you determine the answers your prospects are looking for.

What do you want your custom website to do?

Does the language, imagery, colors, and architecture of your website make them trust that you can solve their issues effectively and more importantly better than your competition? These are all part of an important strategy process that precedes building your new website so that it converts visitors to customers… not just a website that looks pretty.


You may be asking yourself this question, or you’ve been told you need to update your website every so many years. The answer to this question isn’t so easy to answer… but we’ll try.

It’s been working so far…

This statement is completely untrue. The world of technology continues to evolve. That means that the options available for making a successful website design are also changing. Most importantly, the expectations of people visiting websites are changing. This doesn’t mean, however, that you need to redo your entire website design. It does mean that regularly watching the traffic on your website, and A/B testing the success of new technology allows you to make informed decisions about the direction of your website changes. This strategy of measuring success means small changes can have huge results. 

The takeaway, hopefully, is that this question really has too many variables to be answered definitively. The real answer is to monitor and track all your marketing strategies… including your website. Find patterns from your visitors that make sense, conduct tests on what new technology is the most effective with the least investment, and include all the other parts of your business identity into these tests, so you can come up with a complete solution that is both effective and achievable. If it sounds difficult and time consuming… it is. That’s why we’re here to help you through it. That’s why we do what we do.

Steer clear of the DIY website solutions. Although they may seem like an inexpensive approach to a core element of your marketing identity, they often cost more in the long run in lost potential revenue, subscription fees, and SEO limitations. You may be able to have a custom website design solution and a relationship with a full-service agency for an investment that makes sense.

Let’s Talk.


Interested in improving your brand or web presence? We are ready to help! Just give us a quick idea of what you are looking for on our form below and we will get back to you shortly to discuss your needs and provide a quote.

We look forward to talking with you.

Team Moxy

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