​Geo Advertising & Marketing – Why They Go Together

Want to take your business to a whole other level this year? It is time to think about creating a new and improved geo advertising & marketing plan. What is Geo Advertising? Also known as geo targeting, geo advertising is a newer, more effective form of marketing. This is a way to offer people content […]

Why Local SEO is a Vital Investment

There’s rarely enough marketing budget to go around, and it’s important to spend those dollars appropriately. Before you buy pricey radio or TV ads or pound the pavement handing out fliers, stop and think. Can the customers you want find you on the first page of local Google results? If they’re on mobile devices, can […]

​Website Ranking – How You can Improve Yours

Your business is probably not that unique. Chances are there are many companies that provide similar products or services. But this does not mean you can’t compete or be very successful. You just have to figure out how to attract more customers. This is where SEO plays a big role. In order to have a […]

​SEO Consulting Services – Dominate Search

Having a great website is not enough to attract customers to it. Put simply, if customers can’t find your website, they can’t buy from your company. It is now imperative that businesses promote their websites using search engine optimization (SEO). Many businesses are unfamiliar with this idea and their website becomes buried in obscurity as […]

​Geo Fencing can Boost your Marketing & Advertising

Are you looking for a new way to market your products or services? Perhaps you need a new way to get people through your door? On the other hand, maybe you need a new way to entice individuals to try out your restaurant? Then geo fencing is for you. This is a new lead-generating technique […]

​SEO Marketing Crucial to Successful Online Footprint

In the past two decades, search engines have become incredibly sophisticated. They are able to categorize and prioritize, but they still can’t understand web pages the way humans can. That is why SEO marketing is so important. It helps search engines understand what is on each page and how it will be helpful to searchers. […]

Website Design Winston Salem Business Owners Love

Winston Salem is a flourishing entrepreneurial community with exciting new businesses starting every day. We’re in Forbes magazine’s Best Places for Business and Careers, and part of that strength is our strong local pride. Our local business ecosystem is full of entrepreneurs supporting each other in growth and development. And when those entrepreneurs need beautiful, responsive, […]

​Social Media Management Services from conversionMOXY

What is social media, anyway? Also, why does your company need social media management services to get the best exposure? According to WhatIs.com, social media is “the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.” Social media content sharing and collaboration are important resources for businesses. Data gathered from social media […]

What is Web Presence and How can conversionMOXY Help?

What is web presence – according to Wikipedia: a location on the WWW where a person or business has a representation. This includes having a website, blog, profile page, a page on a review site or a social media presence. Specific web addresses help distinguish each web presence from others. It has a slightly different […]

​Retargeting Marketing – We Have the Scoop!

Your website may get a lot of traffic, but how many of those folks ever come back? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could stay top-of-mind with these potential customers after they leave? Retargeting marketing makes it possible. How does retargeting marketing work? Ever looked at a product on a website and then saw an ad for […]