Category: Web Presence Management
One important tool to help gain and maintain customers is having a website. However, that website needs to be user-friendly, contain quality content and clearly relay your business’ purpose. That is where conversionMOXY can help. With superior web presence management and other tools, they will help your business grow. Tools that Create Great Web Presence […]
Written by John Van Schaik on February 13, 2018
What is web presence – according to Wikipedia: a location on the WWW where a person or business has a representation. This includes having a website, blog, profile page, a page on a review site or a social media presence. Specific web addresses help distinguish each web presence from others. It has a slightly different […]
Written by John Van Schaik on December 5, 2017
How much reach are your business’s Facebook ads getting? Is your pay-per-click advertising worth what you’re spending on it? What kind of SEO scores do your blog posts have? These questions can eat up a lot of your time and energy even if you’re pretty web-savvy. Would you rather focus on developing products and running […]
Written by John Van Schaik on November 21, 2017